Stay in control

Get rewarded when people make donations-and boost those
donations further with network capital-by voting with your XCV

XCV in 4 easy steps

  • XCV is purchased
  • Transactions fees are reinvested
  • Causes receive Capital
  • New coins are distributed

Why buy Collective Vesting Coin (XCV)?


Over $1.5 billion has been stolen from coin holders so far, with XCV that number falls dramatically


Currently over $14 mil is paid daily to miners to support networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum with XCV you direct these funds to causes that make a real impact


The cost of storing $1,099,132 worth of audit data on the bitcoin blockchain drops $48 on the XCV chain making live decentralised audits both affordable and realistic

Causes love Causevest

Don't take our word for it, listen to our supporters' testimonials

XCV Ecosystem Illustration

XCV Ecosystem

Make money and help others at the same time.

The Foundation

The foundation supports the sustainability of network

Donation Platform

The foundation supports the sustainability of network

Causevest Foundation

The foundation supports the sustainability of network

Causevest Stamp

The foundation supports the sustainability of network

Market Price

The foundation supports the sustainability of network

XCV Exchange

The foundation supports the sustainability of network

Cause Pay

The foundation supports the sustainability of network

Our Team

We’re led by a team who constantly questions, thinkers, and challenges to unlock great creativity around every turn.


We are proud to have worked with companies, individuals and other organizations to address complex challenges.